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IG-L: What Does the Immissionsschutzgesetz-Luft Mean for Drivers in Austria?

The IG-L (Immissionsschutzgesetz-Luft) label is well known to Austrian drivers. This term refers to speed limits known as “Luft-Hunderter.” The IG-L is an Austrian federal law aimed at reducing vehicle emissions, among other objectives.

To achieve this goal, variable speed limits have been introduced on designated sections of highways and motorways. These restrictions come into effect when air pollution levels rise. This means that on a given section, the “Luft-Hunderter” limit may be in effect on some days, while not on others.

When do IG-L speed limits take effect?

The air quality monitoring stations operated by the provinces continuously provide current air pollution data to ASFINAG (Austria’s Highway and Motorway Operator). The measured values are combined with various parameters (traffic data, weather). The IG-L speed limit is activated when the algorithms and thresholds defined by the province are met.

In Tyrol, for example, road- and environment-dependent speed limits for passenger vehicles have been converted into a permanent 100 km/h speed limit on the A12 and A13 motorways. This means that the restriction is always in effect, regardless of air pollution data.

This is what it looks like on the motorway when the restriction is active:

IG-L speed limit Austria

Where are IG-L speed limits in effect?

Speed limits under the IG-L are ordered by the provincial governor in individual provinces. Currently, they apply over 400 kilometers of highways and motorways in Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, Upper Austria, and Carinthia.

ProvinceAffected Motorways
Upper AustriaA1
SalzburgA1, A10
StyriaA9, A2
Tyrol (permanent 100 km/h limit)A12, A13

Exceptions for electric vehicles

Since July 1, 2019, purely electric vehicles and hydrogen-powered vehicles are exempt from IG-L speed limits on highways and motorways. These vehicles are not required to comply with these speed restrictions under certain conditions.

The exception for electric vehicles, adopted in late 2018, is intended to encourage the strengthening of electric mobility in Austria. Plug-in hybrids are still required to adhere to the speed limits.

The IG-L speed limit exemptions only apply to vehicles with a green license plate. This plate has been available for purely electric vehicles since April 2017 but is not mandatory. Anyone who wishes may continue to use the traditional black license plate, in which case they must comply with the designated speed limits, just like vehicles with internal combustion engines.

The exemptions for electric vehicles are only valid on sections where warning signs indicate this. Until these warning signs are installed, the IG-L speed limits remain in effect for all vehicles, regardless of their propulsion system or license plate type.

This sign indicates that the IG-L restriction does not apply to vehicles with green license plates:

What are the penalties for violating IG-L speed limits?

In 2017, the Austrian Ministry of Environment increased the penalty framework for exceeding speed limits in IG-L areas. Since then, a fine of up to 90 euros can be imposed for exceeding the speed limit by up to 30 km/h.

Note: If the IG-L speed limit is exceeded in addition to the speed limit set by the StVO (Road Traffic Regulations), an additional penalty may apply for the latter.

Traffic bans and other rules under the IG-L

Traffic bans for certain types of vehicles have been imposed in some areas under the IG-L. The current overview of truck traffic bans in the individual provinces can be found on the website of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce.

Frequently Asked Questions about IG-L in Austria

What does the term “IG-L” mean?

The term “IG-L” stands for “Immissionsschutzgesetz-Luft,” which refers to the Austrian federal law for air pollution protection, allowing for variable speed limits on certain sections of highways and motorways to reduce vehicle emissions.100 km/h IG-L speed limit Austria

Where are IG-L speed limits in effect?

Currently, speed limits based on IG-L are in effect in Tyrol (where a permanent 100 km/h limit is in place), Salzburg, Styria, Upper Austria, Carinthia, and Vorarlberg on certain sections of highways and motorways.

When do IG-L speed limits take effect?

IG-L speed limits take effect when various thresholds set by the province are met. These thresholds include measured air pollution data as well as various traffic and weather parameters.
In Tyrol, for instance, road- and environment-dependent speed limits have been converted into a permanent 100 km/h speed limit on the A12 and A13 motorways. This means the restriction is always in effect.

Are electric vehicles exempt from IG-L speed limits?

Yes, since July 1, 2019, purely electric vehicles and hydrogen-powered vehicles are exempt from IG-L speed limits on highways and motorways. Vehicles covered by this exemption are not required to adhere to these speed limits under certain conditions. The conditions include having a green license plate and the exemption being indicated by a sign on the relevant section.
The exception for electric vehicles, introduced in late 2018, is part of efforts to encourage the growth of electric mobility in Austria. Plug-in hybrids are still required to adhere to the speed limits.

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